Community Based Victim Services
We provide support to survivors of violence in relationships, sexual assault, criminal harassment, child abuse/assault, and other forms of family or sexualized violence. Our service is confidential and supports survivors of all ages and gender identities.
What you can expect from the program
If someone close to you has been the victim of violence in a relationship, sexual assault, criminal harassment or child abuse, we provide free, confidential support, information and referrals.
- Our service is available to victims/survivors, whether or not you choose to report to the police.
- Our support is based on what you want to do. You are supported to make your own choices.
- We can suggest options or ideas that are available to you in your particular situation.
- We can provide you with information about your case from the police and court system regarding your situation.
- We can advocate for and/or accompany you to appointments with the police, court system, government, medical services and others.
How you can take part
Please feel free to call our office at 604-885-0322 to speak to a Victim Services Worker.
Victims of Crime Act
The Victims of Crime Act provides all victims with the following rights:
- To be treated with courtesy and respect by all justice personnel, without discrimination
- To receive information on the justice system, victim services and related legislation
- To receive, on request, certain case-specific information regarding police investigation,
prosecution, sentencing and release of the offender - To be given a reasonable opportunity to provide victim impact information for presentation to the court before sentencing of the offender
- To receive independent legal representation, provided free of charge where you cannot afford it, if an application has been made for disclosure of your personal records
Crime Victim Assistance Program - 1-866-660-3888
Local Resources
- Emergency - 911
- RCMP Non-emergency - 604-885-2266
- Sechelt Hospital - 604-885-2224
- Yew Transition House - 604-885-2944 Toll free 1-877-885-2949
- Police Victim Services - 604-885-5554
- Crown Counsel Office - 604-740-8970
- Sechelt Court Registry - 604-740-8929
- Adult Corrections/Probation - 604-740-8937
- Family Justice Counsellor - 604-740-8936
- Sunshine Coast Community Services - 604-885-5881
- Women’s Counselling Service - 604-865-0105
- Women’s Outreach - 604-741-5246
- Family and Youth Services - 604-885-5881
- Mental Health Services - 604-885-6101
- Addiction Services - 604-885-8678
- Options for Sexual Health - 1-800-739-7367
- SC Youth Clinics - 604-886-5600
- Ministry of Children and Family Development
- Sechelt - 604-740-8900
- Gibsons - 604-886-5525
- Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction - Toll free 1-866-866-0800
Provincial resources
- Victimlink - 1-800-563-0808
- Crisis Centre Line - 1-866-661-3311
- Helpline for Children - 310-1234
- Victim Info Line and Protection Order Registry - 1-800-563-0808
- Legal Aid/Legal Services Society - 1-866-577-2525
- Dial-a-Law - 1-800-565-5297
This program ins funded by the Government of BC and by community support.
Program Contact Information
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00-4:30
Sunshine Coast Community Services
PO Box 1069, 5561 Wharf Ave.
Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0