Thyme Second Stage Program
Providing housing, support, and advocacy for women and children who have experienced violence and who can benefit from additional support to rebuild their lives and connect to the community.
Thyme Second Stage Program is a second-stage transition house for women and their children who have experienced abuse.
Program participants receive safe subsidized housing, advocacy, and support in a confidential location for 12 to 18 months.
Personal support for these families means the provision of crisis and emotional support, safety planning, access to information, and education regarding the impacts of abuse and how to heal and rebuild.
Thyme Second Stage has been in operation since 1995 and is funded by BC Housing and supported by community donations and grants.
What to expect
The Thyme Second Stage Program involves commitments from you as a participant as well as commitments by staff to offer support in a range of ways to you and your family.
The intention of Thyme Second Stage Program is to support women as they transition into a new stage of independence. Our goal at Thyme is to provide a space that is safe, non-judgmental & caring for women and children to begin or continue their process of healing, and working towards independence.
As a Thyme participant, you will:
- Receive subsidized program accommodation during the time you are actively engaged in
the program. - Participate in a weekly one on one meetings with your Family Support Worker.
- Participate in special events, workshops, and activities with your children.
- Participate in our weekly Women’s Support Group with other Thyme participants. Together
we focus on building new skills, boundaries, communication, empowerment and more. - Benefit from on-going emotional and practical support, information, education, referrals, and
advocacy from your Family Support Worker. - Access our Child and Youth Program where children can have recreational activities and
school support. Moms can also consult with the Child & Youth Support Worker.
How you can take part
To be eligible for the Thyme Second Stage program, you must:
- Identify as a woman.
- Have at least 2 dependents in your sole or joint care, residing with you full or part-time.
- Be at risk of violence or have experienced violence or other types of abuse and require
services related to the risk or experience of violence and abuse. - Have access to income to pay affordable rent. If on income assistance or disability, you
are required to pay the maximum shelter component or 30% of your income. Women
without legal status in Canada are eligible for the program. - Be willing to commit to the Program Guidelines.
Unfortunately, our facilities are not wheelchair accessible.
You can contact Thyme Second Stage yourself to get an application or be referred by a worker from another SCCSS program you are accessing.
Staff at Thyme will review your application and get back to you within two weeks. Applicants will be interviewed based on eligibility criteria and priority assessment factors.
An interview does not guarantee space within the program.
This program is funded by BC Housing and community support.