Circle of Support program provides support, training and education to individuals, families and service providers impacted by Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions (CDBCs) including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

Our goal is to support parents and care givers to develop strategies to deal with CDBC behaviors and to support individuals living with CDBCs to realize their full potential and develop self-advocacy skills.

CDBC describes when an individual has an array of complex needs with two or more areas being significantly affected. These areas are social emotional functioning, communication, physical functioning, independence and intellectual or academic functioning.

What you can expect from the program

  • Direct service to families, including parent/caregiver support and advocacy
  • Youth groups and parent support circles
  • We provide FREE full day or partial day training to parents, caregivers and/or service providers
  • We will custom fit our training to meet the needs of your program or organization
  • We have provided training to school district staff, health professionals, MCFD, RCMP, and many others in the community at no cost

How you can take part

Referrals can be made by anyone. You are welcome to contact us directly if you are a parent or caregiver of a child/youth living with CDBC’s or a service provider working with children/youth. Children/youth living with CDBC’s up to the age of 18 are eligible and a diagnosis is NOT required to access service.

Please click here to access our online secure referral form.

This program is funded by BC MCFD.


Program Contact Information

Program Coordinator


ext. 253