50 Women for SCCSS

As we celebrate fifty years of service to the Sunshine Coast community, we are excited to announce an inspiring initiative that embodies the spirit of compassion and collaboration that defines SCCSS - The 50 Women for SCCSS fundraising campaign.

In an area often perceived as a holiday paradise, it's crucial to remember that many in our community are facing significant challenges in meeting their basic needs for safety, food, and housing. We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind, despite the challenges of our beautiful region.

To mark our milestone 50th anniversary, we are proud to introduce 50 Women for SCCSS, an initiative driven by fifty remarkable women from diverse backgrounds and professions. These compassionate individuals have united with a shared goal: to help close the funding gap for Building Together, our transformative 6-storey development that will be built on the land we own, replacing our current site in Sechelt.

Building Together, which has already secured nearly 90% of the necessary funds, will provide 35 safe and affordable homes for single women and women with children who have experienced or are vulnerable to experiencing violence. Additionally, it will house a supportive programming hub offering vital services such as food solutions, crisis response, and support and prevention programming.

The 50 Women for SCCSS are champions for change, each bringing their unique life experiences and perspectives to the table. From business owners to artists, mothers to survivors, these women are united by their deep care for our Sunshine Coast community and their shared vision of a healthy and thriving Coast for all.

Together, we aim to collectively raise an additional $1.5 million to ensure that this project becomes a reality and that no woman or child in our community is left without a safe and dignified place to call home.


In the news...

May 1Read our press release

May 3 - 50 women step up to help close SCCSS Building Together funding gap- Coast Reporter

