Become A Member

Contribute towards an engaged, healthy and thriving Coast.

Members are individuals that wish to be informed of and participate in the direction of Sunshine Coast Community Services Society (SCCSS). As a non-profit, we aim for a membership that reflects the diversity of our community and supports our mission and vision.

Becoming a member of the society entitles you to voting privileges at our Annual General Meeting (must be a member for 90 days prior to the date), our annual report and e-newsletters.

Memberships are annual and run from April 1st to March 31st. Fees must be paid annually to remain in good standing and maintain your voting privileges.

To become a member, complete the application form below or complete a membership card available at our main office at 5561 Wharf Avenue in Sechelt or at the Community Services Thrift Store at 731 North Road in Gibsons.


Looking for other ways to renew or start your membership?


Pay by e-transfer

Make an e-transfer through your banking website. The reference email address is: It will not require a secret question/answer. In the Comments section, enter "SCCSS Membership". Please include your email so we can easily communicate with you. 


Pay by cheque or cash

Please make cheque payable to SCCSS and mail to: PO Box 1069, Sechelt V0N 3A0, enter "SCCSS Membership" in the memo line of your cheque. If paying by cash, please visit our office at 5561 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt and we will provide you with a receipt.