BC Poverty Reduction Plan, TogetherBC, Released

British Columbia’s first poverty reduction strategy, entitled TogetherBC, was released this week and sets a goal to reduce overall poverty in our province by 25% and child poverty by 50% by 2024.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Sunshine CoastIn March 2018, Sunshine Coast Community Services Society (SCCSS), Habitat for Humanity on the Coast, One Straw Society, Open Door Group, Sechelt Chamber of Commerce and Vancouver Coastal Health held an in-person Sunshine Coast Poverty Reduction Strategy meeting at Roberts Creek Hall. The meeting was to generate input from residents on what poverty looks like on the Sunshine Coast and how the government can best take action to improve people’s lives. (Click here to read the full report)

Based upon the report submitted for our community and other BC communities, the Ministry of Social Development developed TogetherBC, which was built on the principles of Affordability, Opportunity, Reconciliation, and Social Inclusion, and focuses on six priority action areas:

• More affordable housing for more people
• Supporting families, children and youth
• Expanding access to education and training
• More opportunities, more jobs
• Improving income supports
• Investing in social inclusion

The TogetherBC strategy includes policy initiative and investments designed to lift people up, break the cycle of poverty and build a better community for everyone.

While the plan is a huge step forward, the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition identified a few gaps in the plan that could use some attention, including “better access to good food for families, enhanced investments in affordable transportation, and improved income security, including assistance rates.” These were named as priorities in the province-wide consultation process but have not yet been met by TogetherBC.

To read the full plan, please visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/about-the-bc-government/poverty-reduction-strategy

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Sunshine Coast Community Services Society is a community based organization that has been providing services for people on the Sunshine Coast since 1974. Our history is one of caring, commitment and flexibility.